Essential Hand Care
If you're suffering from torn or ripped hands, then you need to introduce a decent hand care regime which will help prevent the build up of callouses, reduce the frustration of painful blisters and the subsequent inability to grip the bar properly. It's a well known fact that hydrated hands mean healthy hands, and healthy hands allow you to complete your workouts to your maximum, every time!
We've recently been reviewing Hand Grips from titans such as Bear KompleX and JAW and while these products undoubtedly offer protection and help delay the build up of callouses, dreaded blisters and nasty tears, they will never stop them from occurring. Sorry guys but they won't.
w.o.d.welder offer, in our opinion, the best option on the market. Their products have been designed by functional fitness athletes in the US and the response they have received compelled us to try them out ourselves and put them to the test.
In the world of fitness tears, rips and callouses are simply regarded as part of the process. You can shave down the calluses, bandage the blisters and tape the tears, but injury will almost always happen. This is where a focused hand care routine comes into play and with regular and correct application it will keep your hands hydrated, ensuring your hands remain supple and smooth. Combine it with a set of hand grips and you are on your way to making tears and rips a thing of the past.
1oz Push up tube of w.o.d.welder Solid Salve.
Easy to apply, you just rub it onto the wound itself. You don’t have to use much which is bonus meaning it will last a long time. Once applied the natural ingredients get straight to work and you can tell by the cooling sensation you'll start to feel. The salve is also perfect for the painful little cracks that can appear, making them disappear almost overnight.
1x Wild Harvested Pumice Stone.
Unlike similar artificial alternatives, the stone is made from naturally occurring volcanic rock and is full of natural healing ingredients straight from mother earth, making it incredibly effective. Rub it over your hands and it will cleanly remove the hard and dead shards of skin.
2oz Glass Jar of w.o.d.welder Hands as RX Extreme Cream.
Unlike regular moisturisers after application your hands won't feel greasy. Instead it will this leave your hands feeling smooth and silky while its ingredients work to heal and soften your wounds.
If you're a regular tearer, by using the w.o.d.welder Hand Care Kit, especially if its combined with some decent hand grips, hand injuries can start to become a thing of the past and your WODs will become more enjoyable, safe and pain free.... at least as far as your hands are concerned.